Join us for our annual SEEK conference from January 1-5 in Salt Lake City, Utah!
SEEK is a truly uniquely Catholic experience, steeped in the teachings of Christ and His Sacraments. This a week-long retreat beautifully provides a taste of the Catholic experience by bringing over 20,000 young adults together to learn about and worship our Lord. Combining dynamic talks, prayer and sacraments, daily Mass and Adoration, small group discussions, artistic expression, and authentic community, SEEK takes participants on a journey to answer the deepest questions of the human heart. Questions such as Who am I? What is my vocation? How can I truly find happiness? What is God's plan for my life?
Spots are limited, please contact our campus minister Sean at sean.stassie@uwgcatholic.orgMore info!
Tentative schedule:
Departure from Catholic Center at 9 am, return by 5 pm.
Includes: Hike to House of Dreams at Berry, Mass, Lunch, time for quiet prayer, rosary, and fellowship! Contact if you are interested!