Students are invited once a month to enjoy an evening at the home of a local parishioner - a "Home Away From Home." Our hosts provide a home-cooked meal and a fellowship space for students to relax, watch tv, or play a game. If you live within a ten minute radius of UWG and would like to host, please contact the Director of Campus Ministry, Norma Rothschadl.
The Catholic Center at UWG hopes to keep the doors open as much as possible for students. Having expanded office hours allows us to better serve the students, and provide them with a safe and sacred space both during the day and evenings. With a limited staff, we rely on volunteers to "man" the office several mornings a week. If you would be interested in volunteering, contact the Director of Campus MInistry, Norma Rothschadl.
The Catholic Center at UWG certainly knows that FOOD is an essential part of any campus ministry program! Food for the Body often sets the stage for Food for the Soul! The center currently offers Mass & Meal Mondays, Taco'bout Jesus Tuesdays and the Friday Brunch Bunch as opportunities for students to gather for a meal, fellowship and faith development. If you would like to be a "Foodie Friend" and volunteer to help cook a meal, serve a meal or fund a week of meals for $50, please contact the Director of Campus Ministry, Norma Rothschadl or click HERE to donate electronically.
"Laudato Si - On Care for Our Common Home" was Pope Francis' second encyclical. In the document, he encouraged the faithful to take better care of creation. The Catholic Center at UWG incorporates practices that support the mission of the document such as recycling, composting and using reusable dishware. We also take great pride in our outdoor spaces! Contact the Director of Campus Ministry, Norma Rothschadl if you you would like to share your time and talent to volunteer and help with any of the following tasks.